Statement of Principle - Our Values and Objectives
Protection of the health and safety of our employees, contractors and the general public and the protection of the environment, are critical to the overall success of the Group. Bowleven recognises the importance of contributing to the sustainable development of communities in which we work. Together with our JV partners, the Company promotes a positive health and safety culture to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of its employees, contractors and suppliers. We promote and encourage open communication and the involvement of employees and contractors in establishing healthy, safe and environmentally sound working practices.
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
The Company promotes and supports the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination. It is our policy to make every effort to provide a working environment free from bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination on the basis of disability, nationality, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief.
Employee Welfare
The Company aims to assist employees at all levels to improve their professional abilities and to develop their skills. This may take the form of on-the-job coaching, counselling or attendance at external courses or seminars.
Manpower and succession planning exists at corporate level to forecast the quantity and type of employee resources that will be required in the future. Individual career progression activities will be developed with this in mind. Annual appraisals are conducted which provide employees with the opportunity to consider past performance and to discuss their goals and aspirations for the short and medium-term.
Company Policies
The Company seeks to conduct business with integrity and in a fair and honest way at all times. Clear statements of behaviour are issued by the Board and the Group has many policies in place which form part of the Employee Handbook. These are reviewed on a yearly basis and updated accordingly. Similar policies are in place by our JV partners.
Joint Venture Partners, Contractors and Suppliers
The Company is committed to being honest and fair in all its dealings with its partners, contractors and suppliers. The terms of business used by the Company aim to provide clarity and protection, and to ensure the delivery and receipt of products and services at agreed standards. The Company also closely guards information entrusted to it by its joint venture partners, contractor and suppliers, and seeks to ensure that it is never used improperly.
Whistleblowing Policy
The Group expects all staff to maintain a high standard of openness and accountability and to report any wrongdoing or malpractice that falls short of this principle. There is a whistleblowing policy in place which allows all employees and contractors to raise any concerns that they may have in a confidential manner. The policy outlines the process that is to be followed should the need arise to do so.